Teach and learn with art
We have incredible educational resources for teachers. Join us for tours at the museum or let us bring the museum to you, wherever you are.
We have incredible educational resources for teachers. Join us for tours at the museum or let us bring the museum to you, wherever you are.
Join us at the museum for an exciting tour experience. Our tour programs will support your classroom curriculum and learning goals while engaging students to learn about art and museums. We develop tours by grade level and can adapt them to meet your needs as an educator.
Our Look Clubs make museum resources and experiences accessible to all Indiana teachers and students. With a dedicated museum educator, we design education tools and experiences and travel to rural communities most in need to offer original art-based learning in schools, libraries and community organizations.
Featuring the Look Book
The Look Club is an innovative way to connect K-6 students to the museum collection from their own school, home or library. Each student gets Look Book tool/kit and personalized engagement with a museum educator.
Contact Kelly Jordan to learn more or become a partner teacher or organization!
Featuring a Teacher Toolkit
The Look Nook is an interactive mini-museum that brings the Eskenazi Museum of Art collection and arts-based education/wellness experiences to schools, libraries and community centers.
Contact Kelly Jordan to learn more or become a partner teacher or organization!
We specialize in connecting youth with art and artists. Check out our exclusive video series, Notes to a Young Artist, to see contemporary artists giving advice to Indiana Look Club students.
The students were very engaged with the art. I really appreciate the opportunity for our class to experience this museum!
5th grade teacher, Monroe County Community School Corporation
We'll come to you and bring our enthusiasm for learning about art with us. Our museum docents are one of a kind and will tailor an in-classroom visit to your students' needs. These in-class visits can supplement an in-person tour or serve in place of a museum visit.