Leave a Legacy

What if you could leave a legacy?

It's easier than you might think to leave a powerful gift to future guests of the Eskenazi Museum of Art.

Planned gifts are a way of supporting the museum while also increasing your current income, diversifying your holdings, reducing taxes, and avoiding probate costs. When you designate a planned gift, you are looking to the future while enjoying the knowledge today that your legacy gift will live on.

We offer several ways to leave a planned gift so that you can be sure your agreement is aligned to your financial mix and philanthropic vision.

Donor Spotlight: Nancy McMillan

Using her retirement account to help the museum acquire art

Having served as a docent at Newfields for fifteen years, Nancy McMillan only recently began exploring and appreciating the Eskenazi Museum’s collection and the special exhibitions. Recognizing the value of our collection and programming, Nancy supports the museum annually by donating the required minimum distribution (RMD) from her charitable gift annuity IRA. Nancy has also committed a generous bequest to the museum in her estate plans. These legacy gifts support the Eskenazi Museum of Art in a way that is beneficial both to Nancy and to the future of the museum.

The Indiana University Foundation solicits tax-deductible private contributions for the benefit of Indiana University and is registered to solicit charitable contributions in all states requiring registration.