Explore Artworks
A Boy and a Girl with a Cat and an Eel, Judith Leyster (1609–1660)
A Boy Musician, Judith Leyster (1609–1660)
A Bunch of Flowers, Mary Moser (1744–1819)
A Fashionable Noblewoman Wearing a Plumed Hat, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (1749–1803)
A Lady,
Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)
A Seated Woman, Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
A Vase of Flowers, Rachel Ruysch (1664–1750)
A Vase of Flowers, Mary Moser (1744–1819)
A Woman, presumably a Self-portrait, Susan Penelope Rosse (1652–1700)
Acacia lebbeck Willd,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Adieux de Marie-Louise à sa famille le 13 mars 1810, Pauline Auzou (1775–1835)
Admiral Richard How, Patience Lovell Wright (1725-1786)
Adoration of the Shepherds, Josefa de Óbidos (1629/30 – 1684)
Aeschelus Hippocastanum, Mary Delany (1700–1788)
Agave virginica L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Albuca alba […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Aletris bifolia […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Aletris capensis L […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Alexander Hamilton, Ellen Wallace Sharples (1769–1849)
Allegory of Poetry, Rosalba Carriera (1673–1757)
Aloe Africana humilis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Aloe rubescens […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Aloe succotrinae angustifoliae […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Aloe vera major Munting […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Alstroemeria ligtu […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Alstroemeria pelegrina L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Altarpiece with Scenes from the Old and New Testaments (the Tendila Retablo), Caterina van Hemessen (1528–after 1565)
Amaranthus fruticosus erectus […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Amaryllis formosissima L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Amellus (Sychnitis) […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ammania foliis lanceolatis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ammi lacinulis foliorum capillaribus,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
An Architect and his Family, Marguerite Gérard (1761–1837)
Anamenia coriacea Vent […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Andromache, Astyanax, and Hector, Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
Andromeda caliculata,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Andromeda paniculata L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Androsace Alpina […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Anna Cuyler (Mrs. Anthony) Van Schaick, Henrietta Johnston (ca. 1674–1729)
Anne Du Bose (Mrs. Job Rothmahler, ca. 1700-1750) , Henrietta Johnston (ca. 1674–1729)
Anne, Countess of Charlemont (1780-1876), Anne Mee (1785–1851)
Annunciation, Josefa de Óbidos (1629/30 – 1684)
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Annunciation, Orsola Maddalena Caccia, born Theodora Caccia (1596–1676)
Antependium, Giovanna Garzoni (ca. 1600–1670)
Apple Blossom, Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Arapabaca quadrifolia, fructu testiculato,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Aristolochia pistolochia,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Arrivée de l'impératrice Marie-Louise à Compiègne le 28 mars 1810, Pauline Auzou (1775–1835)
Arum amplis foliis cordiformibus […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Arum Canadense […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Arum Esculentum, Mary Delany (1700–1788)
Asclepias hirsuta Scammonii […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Aspasia, Marie-Geneviève Bouliar (1763–1825)
Aster Chenopodii folio annuus […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Aureliana Canadensis, sinensibus […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Azalea nudiflora L. Amer sept,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Bacchus and Ariadne,
Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
Baptism of Christ, Elisabetta Sirani (1638–1665)
Basket of Grapes, Anne Vallayer-Coster (1744–1818)
Basket of Peaches, with Quinces and Plums, Louise Moilon (1610-December 21, 1696)
Beata Vergine di San Luca e Santi,
Anna Maria Sirani (1645–1715)
Bignonia, foliis simplicibus, cordatis,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Birth of Saint John the Baptist, Diana Scultori (1547–1612)
Bocconia ramosa, sphondylii […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Boerhaavia scandens […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Bonbon dish with glass liner, Hester Bateman (1708–1794)
Bontia daphnoides […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Bouquet of Flowers in a Vase, Maria van Oosterwyck (1630–1693)
Bowl with Fruits, Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678)
Box with Miniature of Princess Amelia (1783-1810), Anne Mee (1785–1851)
Boy Playing the Flute, Judith Leyster (1609–1660)
Branch of a Redcurrant, Alida Withoos (ca. 1661/62–1730)
Branche de fruit du fraisier de batte des Anglois,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Brassica, Alida Withoos (ca. 1661/62–1730)
British Gentlemen in Rome, Catherine Read (1723–1778)
Browallia, […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Bullfinch, Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Buphthalmum abyssinicum […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Bust of a Man, Julie Charpentier (1770–1843)
Bust of a Man,
Julie Charpentier (1770–1843)
Bust of a Woman, Julie Charpentier (1770–1843)
Bust of a Young Woman,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Bust of Claude Marmet,
Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Bust of Denis Diderot, Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Bust of Doctor Camper, Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Bust of Duc de Sully,
Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Bust of Henry IV,
Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Bust of Princess Frederika Sophia Wilhelmina, Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Bust of Stadholder William V, Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Bust portrait of Prince Henry Lubomirski in the character of Bacchus,
Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Cabbage with nasturtium and caterpillar,
Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Cacalia atriplicifolia L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cactus Grandiflorus, Mary Delany (1700–1788)
Cactus parasiticus […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Calceolaria foliis Scabiose vulgaris [...],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Calycanthus floridus L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Camara spinosa flore variegate,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Campanula grandiflora L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Campanule Alpina Teucrii […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cardinal Richelieu, Giovanna Garzoni (ca. 1600–1670)
Carl Germain Pichelieu,
Maria Elisabeth Ziesenis (1744–1796)
Carlo Emanuele I, Giovanna Garzoni (ca. 1600–1670)
Caroline Conway, Lady Aylesbury, Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Carousing Couple, Judith Leyster (1609–1660)
Catherine the Great,
Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Catherine, Lady Heathcote (c.1774-1825), Anne Mee (1785–1851)
Cavalcade of the Three Kings, Luisa Roldán (1652-1706)
Cerastium aquaticum,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cerato-Cephalus Virginiantus […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cerinthe foliis hirpidis,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cerinthe foliis latis hirpidis,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cestrum laurifolium […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Chamaerododendros Canadensis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Charles Beale the Elder, Mary Beale (1633–1699)
Charles Meynier,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Cheiranthus cheiri […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Chelone pentstemon,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Christ with the Symbols of the Passion, Lavinia Fontana (1552–1614)
Chrysocoma anthelmintica,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cirsium horridum Mich. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Clematitis Balearica […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Clinopodium menthaefolio incanum et odoratum,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cloaked Figure and a Study for a Detail of the Cloak,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)
Coffee Pot and Stand, Hester Bateman (1708–1794)
Collinsonia L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Commelina hexandra […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Commelina zazonia […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Continence of Scipio, Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
Convolvulus batatas,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Conyza Africana foliis oblongis dentatis glutinosis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Conyza chinensis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Conyza dioscoridis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Conyza faetida Lamk […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Conyza odorata L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cornus canadensis L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cornus florida L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cotyledon hispanica L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cotyledon portulacea Lamk […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Country Churchyard, Maria Katharina Prestel (1747–1794)
Crassula perfossa Lamk. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Crassula tetragona L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Maria Faydherbe (1587–1643)
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Crucifixion [attributed],
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Cynanchum suberosum […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cynoglossum angusto glauco folio,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cyrtanthus vittatus Desf. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Cytharexylum Americanum alterum,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Danaë, Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca. 1656)
Dandelion, Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Dandelion with a Tiger Moth, Butterfly, Snail and Beetle,
Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
David and the Head of Goliath, Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca. 1656)
Dead Christ,
Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
Death Disarming Virtue, Barbara Sirani (1641-1692)
Diana and Endymion, Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Dianella nemorosa […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Diogenes, Maria Katharina Prestel (1747–1794)
Dirca palustris L. Amer.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Domenico Zampieri,
Julie Charpentier (1770–1843)
Dominic Receives the Rosary,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Dorothy, Lady Brown (née Mileham) and Sir Thomas Browne, Joan Carlile (ca. 1606–1679)
Double Portrait of a Boy and Girl of the Attavanti Family, Sofonisba Anguissola (ca. 1532–November 16, 1625)
Dracaena draco […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Dracena triangularis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Duchess of Devonshire as Diana,
Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)
Duranta plumieri L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ecce Homo, Elisabetta Sirani (1638–1665)
Ecce Homo, Barbara Sirani (1641-1692)
Egyptian City by an Oasis, Anna Waser (1678–1714)
Elijiah Fed by Ravens, Magdalena van de Passe (1600–1638)
Elisabeth Sophie Le Hay (née Cheron),
Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
Elizabeth (née Farren), Countess of Derby,
Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Elizabeth Murray, Countess of Dysart and Duchess of Lauderdale,
Joan Carlile (ca. 1606–1679)
Elizabeth Murray, Countess of Dysart, with her First Husband, Sir Lionel Tollemache, and her Sister Margaret Murray,
Joan Carlile (ca. 1606–1679)
Entombment, Magdalena van de Passe (1600–1638)
Erigeron philadelphocum […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Eryngium aquaticum L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Erythronium dens-canis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Esther before Ahasuerus,
Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca. 1656)
Eupatorium frutescens, foliis lanceolatis,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Euphrasia foliis oblongis obtuse serratis,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Face, Anna Morandi Manzolini (1714–1774)
Family Group, Marguerite Gérard (1761–1837)
Felipe II, Sofonisba Anguissola (ca. 1532–November 16, 1625)
Ficoidea Africana folio plantaginis undulato micis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ficoides afra fruticosa caule lanugine argentea […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ficoides Africana folio terete in villos radiatos abeunte,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ficoides Africana folio triangulari incurvo et dentato,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ficoides Africana, erecta, teretifolia, floribus albis umbellatis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ficoides seu ficus Aizoides Africana minor erecta folio […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Figure of the Virgin and Child, Maria Faydherbe (1587–1643)
Finding of Moses, Elisabetta Sirani (1638–1665)
Fire in a Village, Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Five Men,
Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826)
Florero, Margherita Caffi (1650–1710)
Flower Bouquet with Insects,
Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Flower Still Life, Maria van Oosterwyck (1630–1693)
Flower Still Life, Rachel Ruysch (1664–1750)
Flowers and Animals, Rachel Ruysch (1664–1750)
Flowers in a Vase, Rachel Ruysch (1664–1750)
Flowers in an Ornamental Vase, Maria van Oosterwyck (1630–1693)
François-Marie Arouet, dit Voltaire, Catherine Lusurier (1752–1781)
Frau mit Haube,
Maria Elisabeth Ziesenis (1744–1796)
Friedrich Wilhelm II. von Preußen, Anna Dorthea Therbusch (1721–1782)
Frutex scandens petrofelini […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Fucus parvus, atrovirens unifolium […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Gardenia florida L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
George III,
Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
George III Teapot, Hester Bateman (1708–1794)
George Washington, Ellen Wallace Sharples (1769–1849)
George Washington, Ellen Wallace Sharples (1769–1849)
Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire (1757-1806), Anne Mee (1785–1851)
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Gladiolus polystachyus […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Gladiolus tristis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Gloriosa Superba, Mary Delany (1700–1788)
Goblet, Hester Bateman (1708–1794)
Golden Plover with Examples of Two Butterflies, Maria Sibylla Merian (1647–1717)
Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Grangea latifolia […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Gratiola foliis latioribus serratis Banister […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Greenfinch, Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Guajabara alia racemose foliis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Gustavus Hamilton (1710–1746), Second Viscount Boyne, in Masquerade Costume, Rosalba Carriera (1673–1757)
Hands, Anna Morandi Manzolini (1714–1774)
Head of a Young Woman, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (1749–1803)
Head of a Young Woman Crowned with Roses,
Marie-Geneviève Bouliar (1763–1825)
Head of a Youth,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Helena Dering (1697–1704), Henrietta Johnston (ca. 1674–1729)
Helianthus mollis Lamk. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Helleborine radice arundinacea,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Helleborus trifolius […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Hellespontine Sibyl, Magdalena van de Passe (1600–1638)
Henriette Charlotte Chastaigner (Mrs. Nathaniel Broughton) , Henrietta Johnston (ca. 1674–1729)
Hesperis foliis laciniatis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Hieracium grandiflorum,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Holy Family with Infant St. John, Lavinia Fontana (1552–1614)
Homme en habit rayé,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Houdon Working on the Bust of Voltaire,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Hunting Scene, Johanna Koerten (1650–1715)
Hura crepitans L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Hyacinth with Four Cherries, a Lizard and an Artichoke, Giovanna Garzoni (ca. 1600–1670)
Hydrastis canadensis L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Hyoscyamus physalodes […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Infant Saint John the Baptist,
Luisa Roldán (1652-1706)
Initial A: Adoration of the Christ Child with the Virgin Mary, Joseph, and Two Nuns,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Initial A: The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple with Two Nuns,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Interior of an Atelier of a Woman Painter, Marie-Victoire Lemoine (1754–1820)
Iris Squalens, Mary Delany (1700–1788)
Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ixia cepacea Red […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ixia miniate Jacq. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Jacques Dumont, dit Dumont de Romain,
Marie-Suzanne Giroust (1734–1772)
Jael and Sisera, Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca. 1656)
James II, Susan Penelope Rosse (1652–1700)
Jane, Countess of Galloway (1774-1842), Anne Mee (1785–1851)
Jarrón con flores, Margherita Caffi (1650–1710)
Jasminum aliud arborescens […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Jatropha coccinea Vent,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Jeune femme à l'ouvrage, Françoise Duparc (1726–1778)
Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife, Properzia de’ Rossi (1490–1530)
Joseph Nollekens, Mary Moser (1744–1819)
Joseph Priestley, Ellen Wallace Sharples (1769–1849)
Judgement of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)
Judith, Virginia Vezzi (1600-1638)
Judith and her Maidservant, Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca. 1656)
Judith and her Maidservant with Head of Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca. 1656)
Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca. 1656)
Jupiter, Maria Katharina Prestel (1747–1794)
Kalankoe aegyptiaca DC,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Kingfisher, Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Kneeling Female Figure [front]/ Risen Christ [back],
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Kneeling Male Figure,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Kneeling Male Figure,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
L'homme à la besace, Françoise Duparc (1726–1778)
La Madonna con San Gerolamo [after Correggio],
Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)
La marchande de tisane, Françoise Duparc (1726–1778)
La vieille, Françoise Duparc (1726–1778)
Lactuca spinose L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Lamentation with Saints,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Landscape with Horseman and Trees,
Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Landscape with Ruin, Aleida Greve (1670–1742)
Landscape with Sculpture, Aleida Greve (1670–1742)
Lapdog with Biscotti and a Chinese Cup, Giovanna Garzoni (ca. 1600–1670)
Last Supper,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Laurus persea L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Laurus sassafras […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Le Christ bénissant, dit aussi L'Institution de l'Eucharistie, Agnese Dolci (1635–1686)
Ledum palustre L. Alpes,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Leea crispa L. Asie,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Leonurus sibiricus L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Lilio narcissus sive […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Linnaea borealis L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Little Girl with a Bonnet, Catherine Read (1723–1778)
Lobelia longifolia L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Lord Nelson,
Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Louis Antoine Ange Chicoilet de Corbigny, Julie Charpentier (1770–1843)
Louise Renée de Penancoet de Keroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth, Susan Penelope Rosse (1652–1700)
Lucretia, Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca. 1656)
Ludwigia capsulis oblongis uncialibus,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Lunaria, foliis multifidis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Lunario, Diana Scultori (1547–1612)
Lupine, Alida Withoos (ca. 1661/62–1730)
Lychnis grandiflora Jacq. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Lycoperdon alpinum maximum […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Lysimachia floridana lutea minor […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Madame Philippe Panon Desbassayns de Richemont (Jeanne Eglé Mourgue, 1778–1855) and Her Son, Eugène (1800–1859), Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826)
Madeline tenant un vase de parfums,
Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
Madonna Addolorata,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Madonna and Child, Lucia Anguissola (ca. 1536 or 1538–ca. 1565–1566)
Madonna and Child, Sofonisba Anguissola (ca. 1532–November 16, 1625)
Madonna con Bambino e Santi, Anna Maria Sirani (1645–1715)
Madonna del Sacco, Irene Duclos (1754-1795)
Man with Staff,
Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)
Margarethe Catarina Moll,
Maria Elisabeth Ziesenis (1744–1796)
Maria Constantia, née Hampden-Trevor, 12th Countess of Suffolk and 5th Countess of Berkshire,, Catherine Read (1723–1778)
Marie Anne de Bourbon, Mademoiselle de Clermont, Rosalba Carriera (1673–1757)
Marie Du Bose (Mrs. Samuel Wragg), Henrietta Johnston (ca. 1674–1729)
Marie Gabrielle Capet and Marie Marguerite Carreaux de Rosemond, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (1749–1803)
Marie-Joseph Chenier,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Martagon Lily, Alida Withoos (ca. 1661/62–1730)
Martyrdom of St. Maurizio, Orsola Maddalena Caccia, born Theodora Caccia (1596–1676)
Mary Berry, Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Melongena lauri […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Memorial Portrait of Moses ter Borch (1645-1667), Gesina ter Borch (1631–1690)
Menziezia poliifolia Juss,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Mercurialis spicata faemina Dioscoridis et Plinii,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Metamorphosis of a Frog and Blue Flower, Maria Sibylla Merian (1647–1717)
Mimosa leucocephala,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Minerva Dressing, Lavinia Fontana (1552–1614)
Mary Benwell (1739–after 1800)
Miss Elliott, Anne Mee (1785–1851)
Mme Longrois, née Anne-Félicité Grésille,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Mme. Louis-Suzanne-Clere Carterdon de Barmont, née Augustine-Suzanne Roslin, Marie-Suzanne Giroust (1734–1772)
Motherhood, Marguerite Gérard (1761–1837)
Mrs. Freeman as Isis,
Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Mrs. Pru Phillips, Susan Penelope Rosse (1652–1700)
Musa, Giovanna Garzoni (ca. 1600–1670)
Muscles of the Forearm, Anna Morandi Manzolini (1714–1774)
Music Company,
Margaretha Wulfraet (1678–1760)
Nosegay on a Marble Plinth, Rachel Ruysch (1664–1750)
Nursing Madonna,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Obstetrical Figure, Anna Morandi Manzolini (1714–1774)
Ocymum grandiflorum L’Her. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ocymum, spica florum laxa et longa,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Olea fragrans,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Onagra angustifolia, flore luteo frutu tetragono,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ornithogalum Africanum […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ornithogalum viride Juss,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Paeonia tenuifolia […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Pained Madonna,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Palma humilis, radiata, latifolia,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Parthenium integrifolium […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Peltaria alliacea […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Penthorum Linn. Gen. Coroll. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Personification of Autumn, Rosalba Carriera (1673–1757)
Personification of Spring, Rosalba Carriera (1673–1757)
Personification of Summer, Rosalba Carriera (1673–1757)
Personification of Winter, Rosalba Carriera (1673–1757)
Peucedanum majus Italicum […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Phalangium albucoides […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Phalangium elatum […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Phlomis tuberosa L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Phyllanthus grandifolia L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Phytolacca dioica L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Phytolacca dodecandra L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Pittonia arborescens chamaedrifolia major,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Pittonia frutescens,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Plectranthus punctatus […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Polemonium reptans L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Polygala penea L. Antilles,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Polygonum sagittatum L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Porophyllum foliis oblongis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Portesia ou Ehretia,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Portia Wounding her Thigh, Elisabetta Sirani (1638–1665)
Portrait Bust of Elizabeth Lamb, Viscountess Melbourne,
Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Portrait de dame,
Pauline Auzou (1775–1835)
Portrait de femme, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (1749–1803)
Portrait de Madame Élise Voiart, Constance Mayer (1775–1821)
Portrait de Monsieur Olive, trésorier des États de Bretagne, avec sa famille, Marie-Geneviève Bouliar (1763–1825)
Portrait miniature of Mrs. Bradney, Mary Benwell (1739–after 1800)
Portrait of a Boy, Chiara Varotari (1584–1663)
Portrait of a Couple, Marguerite Gérard (1761–1837)
Portrait of a Girl, Bust Length,
Pauline Auzou (1775–1835)
Portrait of a Lady, Mary Beale (1633–1699)
Portrait of a Lady, Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826)
Portrait of a Lady, Marie-Victoire Lemoine (1754–1820)
Portrait of a Lady, Aleida Wolfsen (1668–1692)
Portrait of a Lady, Chiara Varotari (1584–1663)
Portrait of a Lady, Chiara Varotari (1584–1663)
Portrait of a Lady and Child, Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Portrait of a Lady Wearing an Oyster Satin Dress,
Joan Carlile (ca. 1606–1679)
Portrait of a Lady with a Dog, Lavinia Fontana (1552–1614)
Portrait of a Lady, Bianca Ponzoni Anguissola (?),, Lucia Anguissola (ca. 1536 or 1538–ca. 1565–1566)
Portrait of a Lady, called Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, Susan Penelope Rosse (1652–1700)
Portrait of a Man, Caterina van Hemessen (1528–after 1565)
Portrait of a Man, Rosalba Carriera (1673–1757)
Portrait of a Man in a Brown Coat and Light Yellow Vest,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Portrait of a Man previously identified as Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, Catherine Lusurier (1752–1781)
Portrait of a Musician,
Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
Portrait of a Musician, Pauline Auzou (1775–1835)
Portrait of a Noblewoman, Lavinia Fontana (1552–1614)
Portrait of a Violinist, Anne Vallayer-Coster (1744–1818)
Portrait of a Woman,
Marie-Suzanne Giroust (1734–1772)
Portrait of a Woman, Judith Leyster (1609–1660)
Portrait of a Woman Holding a Letter,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Portrait of a Woman, Possibly Barbara (1768–1829), Marchioness of Donegall, Anne Mee (1785–1851)
Portrait of a Woman, Probably a Self-Portrait, Caterina van Hemessen (1528–after 1565)
Portrait of a Woman, Sitting at a Table with a Watch, Adriana Spilberg (1650–ca.1700)
Portrait of a Young Girl, Rosalba Carriera (1673–1757)
Portrait of a Young Girl, Chiara Varotari (1584–1663)
Portrait of a Young Girl, Mary Beale (1633–1699)
Portrait of a Young Girl, Marie-Victoire Lemoine (1754–1820)
Portrait of a Young Lady, Caterina van Hemessen (1528–after 1565)
Portrait of a Young Man, Michaelina Wautier (1604–1689)
Portrait of a Young Woman,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Portrait of a Young Woman,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Portrait of a Young Woman with Bird, Aleida Greve (1670–1742)
Portrait of Abraham Scheurleer,
Margaretha Wulfraet (1678–1760)
Portrait of Adelaide Binart,
Marie-Geneviève Bouliar (1763–1825)
Portrait of Alexandre-Antoine Roslin, Marie-Suzanne Giroust (1734–1772)
Portrait of an Unidentified Man,
Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Portrait of an Unknown Lady, Joan Carlile (ca. 1606–1679)
Portrait of an Unknown Man, Aleida Greve (1670–1742)
Portrait of an Unknown Man,
Margaretha Wulfraet (1678–1760)
Portrait of an Unknown Woman, Aleida Greve (1670–1742)
Portrait of Anne-Felicite Grielle,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Portrait of Antoine-Vincent-Louis-Barbe Duplas, Marianne Loir (1715–1769)
Portrait of Assueer Jan Torck,
Margaretha Wulfraet (1678–1760)
Portrait of Auguste Vestris, Adèle Romany (1769–1846)
Portrait of Cardinal Domini Ginnasi, Caterina Ginnasi (1590–1660)
Portrait of Charlotte-Francoise DeBure, Catherine Lusurier (1752–1781)
Portrait of Clémence Isaure, Julie Charpentier (1770–1843)
Portrait of Costanza Alidosi, Lavinia Fontana (1552–1614)
Portrait of Countess of Coventry,
Marie-Suzanne Giroust (1734–1772)
Portrait of Dr. R. de Graaf, Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678)
Portrait of Elizabeth Carter, Catherine Read (1723–1778)
Portrait of Étienne-Maurice Falconet, Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Portrait of Étienne-Maurice Falconet, Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Portrait of Europa Anguissola, Lucia Anguissola (ca. 1536 or 1538–ca. 1565–1566)
Portrait of Frances Brooke, Catherine Read (1723–1778)
Portrait of Franz Joseph Gall, Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826)
Portrait of Gabrielle Emilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, Marquise du Chatelet, Marianne Loir (1715–1769)
Portrait of Geertruid Dorothea van Goltstein, Aleida Wolfsen (1668–1692)
Portrait of Gisbert Voet, the Artist's Teacher, Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678)
Portrait of Helena Fourment en Frans Rubens,
Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)
Portrait of Henrik Vilhelm Peill,
Marie-Suzanne Giroust (1734–1772)
Portrait of Houdon,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Portrait of Infanta Catalina Micaela, Duchess of Savoy, Giovanna Garzoni (ca. 1600–1670)
Portrait of Jacques Dumont,
Marie-Suzanne Giroust (1734–1772)
Portrait of Jean Germain Drouais, Catherine Lusurier (1752–1781)
Portrait of Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, Catherine Lusurier (1752–1781)
Portrait of Jean-Dominique Larrey,
Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826)
Portrait of Jeanne Marie de la Motte Guion,
Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
Portrait of Joachim Lebreton, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (1749–1803)
Portrait of Johan de Witt, Johanna Koerten (1650–1715)
Portrait of Johs. Battista Bartolotti, Aleida Wolfsen (1668–1692)
Portrait of Julius Caesar, Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
Portrait of Madame Adélaïde, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (1749–1803)
Portrait of Madame Charles Mitoire with Her Children, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (1749–1803)
Portrait of Madame de Genlis, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (1749–1803)
Portrait of Madame Deshoulières,
Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
Portrait of Madame Grassini,
Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826)
Portrait of Madame Marie-Alexandre Vincent and Her Son André, Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Portrait of Madame Martin de Lesseps,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Portrait of Madame Récamier, Eulalie Morin (1765–1837)
Portrait of Madeleine, Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826)
Portrait of Mademoiselle Carnot,
Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826)
Portrait of Maria Wetsteyn,
Margaretha Wulfraet (1678–1760)
Portrait of Marianne Elisa Bonaparte,
Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826)
Portrait of Marie Thérèse Diane Andrault (née Maignard de la Vaupalière, 1768–1790), Comtesse de Langeron, Rose-Adélaïde Ducreux (1761–1802)
Portrait of Marie-Joseph Peyre, Marie-Suzanne Giroust (1734–1772)
Portrait of Mary Cathcart, Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Portrait of Massimiliano Stampa, Sofonisba Anguissola (ca. 1532–November 16, 1625)
Portrait of Minerva Anguissola, Lucia Anguissola (ca. 1536 or 1538–ca. 1565–1566)
Portrait of Minerva Anguissola, Sofonisba Anguissola (ca. 1532–November 16, 1625)
Portrait of Napoleone-Elisa Bacciochi, Countess Camerata,
Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826)
Portrait of Paul Fleming, Poet and Doctor, Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678)
Portrait of Pauline Bonaparte, Princess Borghese,
Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826)
Portrait of Pierre-Étienne Falconet, Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Portrait of Pierre-Étienne Falconet, Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Portrait of Pietro Manna, Physician from Cremona, Lucia Anguissola (ca. 1536 or 1538–ca. 1565–1566)
Portrait of Pietro Manna, Physician from Cremona, Sofonisba Anguissola (ca. 1532–November 16, 1625)
Portrait of Polly Jones, Catherine Read (1723–1778)
Portrait of Prince Alessandro Farnese, Sofonisba Anguissola (ca. 1532–November 16, 1625)
Portrait of Prof. Carolus Dematius, 1597-1651, Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678)
Portrait of Sculptor Jean-Baptiste Pigalle,
Marie-Suzanne Giroust (1734–1772)
Portrait of Simon Charles Miger,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Portrait of Sophie Fanny Lordon, Constance Mayer (1775–1821)
Portrait of the Artist, Rose-Adélaïde Ducreux (1761–1802)
Portrait of the artist's daughter Alexandrine-Élisabeth Roslin,
Marie-Suzanne Giroust (1734–1772)
Portrait of the Empress Marie-Louise,
Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826)
Portrait of Zaga Christ, Giovanna Garzoni (ca. 1600–1670)
Portrait Study of Peter the Great,
Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Portulacaria afra Jacq. Cap.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Pothos faetida Mich […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Presumed portrait of Etienne Noël Damilaville,
Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821)
Presumed Portrait of Madame Elisabeth,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Presumed Portrait of Mademoiselle Mars,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Princess Caroline of Wales,
Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Princess Sophia (1777-1848), Anne Mee (1785–1851)
Profile Bust of Benjamin Franklin, Patience Lovell Wright (1725-1786)
Prunus caroliniana Wild,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Quamoclit pennatum erectum floribus in Thrsum digestis,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Queen Charlotte when Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz,
Maria Elisabeth Ziesenis (1744–1796)
Queen Marie-Antoinette, Anne Vallayer-Coster (1744–1818)
Rachel Ruysch (1664–1750), Rachel Ruysch (1664–1750)
Rajania hastata […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Randia foliis subrotundis Lucidis,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Randia mitis, L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ranunculus hirsutus, fructu oblongo,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Rauvolfia tetraphylla latifolia […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Rauwolfia nitida […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Rheum palmatum,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Rhexia mariana L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Rhododendron maximum L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Roemer, Anna Roemer Visscher (1583–1651)
Roemer, Anna Roemer Visscher (1583–1651)
Roemer with a poem to Constantijn Huygens, Anna Roemer Visscher (1583–1651)
Roioc humifusum fructu cupressino […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Rosal en flor, Margherita Caffi (1650–1710)
Roses and Butterfly, Maria van Oosterwyck (1630–1693)
Royena lucida L. Cap.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Rubia tinctorum sativa,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Rudbeckia purpurea […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Ruellia pedunculis multifloris dichotomis folio,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Saint Anthony of Padua, Johanna Koerten (1650–1715)
Saint Catherine in Prayer,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Saint Catherine of Siena,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Saint Catherine of Siena/de’Ricci,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Saint Catherine of Siena/de’Ricci,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Saint Catherine of Siena/de’Ricci,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Saint Catherine of Siena/de’Ricci,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Saint Catherine of Siena/de’Ricci,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Saint Catherine of Siena/de’Ricci,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
Saint Cecilia surrounded by Mary Magdalene, Saint John, Saint Paul, and Saint Augustine,
Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
Saint Ginés de la Jara, Luisa Roldán (1652-1706)
Saint John of God Gives Bread to the Poor, Violante Ferroni (1720–ca. 1780?)
Saint John of God Heals Plague Victims, Violante Ferroni (1720–ca. 1780?)
Saint John the Evangelist on Patmos, Josefa de Óbidos (1629/30 – 1684)
Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist, Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca. 1656)
Salver, Hester Bateman (1708–1794)
Salvia foliis cordatis serratis flore parvo violaceo et albo,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Salvia frutescens, floribus coccineis,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Salvia labio corollae superiori breviore fauce patente,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Salvia nilotica,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
San Martino, Anna Maria Sirani (1645–1715)
Santa Francesa Romana, Sant’Apollonia e Beata Caterina de’Vigri con la Madonna di San Lucca, Barbara Sirani (1641-1692)
Santa Teresa de Avilaverso, Josefa de Óbidos (1629/30 – 1684)
Sappho, Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)
Sarah Lloyd Hillhouse, Ellen Wallace Sharples (1769–1849)
Satureia Americana frutescens foliis linearibus dentatis,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Saxifraga crassifolia L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Saxifraga pensylvanica L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Scarlet Ibis with an Egg, Maria Sibylla Merian (1647–1717)
Seascape, Maria Katharina Prestel (1747–1794)
Sebestena domestica,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Sedum aïzoon L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Self-Portrait, Gesina ter Borch (1631–1690)
Self-Portrait, Anna Dorthea Therbusch (1721–1782)
Self-Portrait, Anna Dorthea Therbusch (1721–1782)
Self-Portrait, Michaelina Wautier (1604–1689)
Self-Portrait, Lucia Anguissola (ca. 1536 or 1538–ca. 1565–1566)
Self-Portrait, Sofonisba Anguissola (ca. 1532–November 16, 1625)
Self-Portrait, Sofonisba Anguissola (ca. 1532–November 16, 1625)
Self-Portrait, Violante Beatrice Siries Cerroti (1709-1783)
Self-Portrait, Rosalba Carriera (1673–1757)
Self-Portrait, Irene Duclos (1754-1795)
Self-Portrait, Irene Duclos (1754-1795)
Mary Benwell (1739–after 1800)
Self-Portrait, Marie-Geneviève Bouliar (1763–1825)
Marie-Geneviève Bouliar (1763–1825)
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)
Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Marie-Suzanne Giroust (1734–1772)
Self-Portrait, Judith Leyster (1609–1660)
Self-Portrait, Elisabetta Sirani (1638–1665)
Self-Portrait, Catherine Read (1723–1778)
Self-Portrait, Anne Mee (1785–1851)
Self-Portrait, Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678)
Self-Portrait, Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678)
Self-Portrait, Anna Morandi Manzolini (1714–1774)
Self-Portrait as a Lute Player,
Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca. 1656)
Self-Portrait as Apollo, Giovanna Garzoni (ca. 1600–1670)
Self-Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca. 1656)
Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting, Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca. 1656)
Self-Portrait at Age Twelve, Anna Waser (1678–1714)
Self-Portrait at the Clavichord with a Servant, Lavinia Fontana (1552–1614)
Self-Portrait at the Easel, Caterina van Hemessen (1528–after 1565)
Self-Portrait in the Studio, Lavinia Fontana (1552–1614)
Self-Portrait of Marie Guilhelmine,
Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826)
Self-Portrait with a Harp, Rose-Adélaïde Ducreux (1761–1802)
Self-Portrait with Her Teacher, Maurice Quentin de La Tour, Marie-Suzanne Giroust (1734–1772)
Self-Portrait with the Artist’s Father, Constance Mayer (1775–1821)
Self-Portrait with Turban, Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)
Self-Portrait with Two Pupils, Marie Gabrielle Capet and Marie Marguerite Carreaux de Rosemond, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (1749–1803)
Sempervivum canariense L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Serratula foliis lanceolato oblongis serratis […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Serratula squarrosa L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Sesuvium portulacastrum L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Shock Dog, Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Sibthorpia parisiana Hort. Paris […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Sideritis orientalis scordioides,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Sideroxylon atrovirens Lamk […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Sideroxylon lycioides L. Amer sept,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Sideroxylon melanophleum L. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Sideroxylon spinosum L. Afrique sept,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Silphium laciniatum […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Sir Basil Dixwell, Mary Beale (1633–1699)
Sir Joseph Banks, Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Sir Joseph Banks, Wearing Star of Order of the Bath,
Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Sketch of Group of Figures,
Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)
Sketch of the Artist’s Son, Bartholomew Beale, facing left, Mary Beale (1633–1699)
Snowbunting, Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Solanum marginatum […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Solanum tomentosum […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Songbirds under a Tree,
Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Sphaerantos folio oblongo minor […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Spilanthus oleracea fusca […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Spring, Mary Moser (1744–1819)
Spring, Magdalena van de Passe (1600–1638)
St. George and the Dragon, Diana Scultori (1547–1612)
St. Luke Carving the Virgin, Orsola Maddalena Caccia, born Theodora Caccia (1596–1676)
Stéphanie Félicité Ducrest de St-Aubin, countess de Genlis, Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Still Life, Aleida Greve (1670–1742)
Still Life of Birds, Orsola Maddalena Caccia, born Theodora Caccia (1596–1676)
Still Life of Exotic Flowers on a Marble Ledge, Rachel Ruysch (1664–1750)
Still Life with a Basket of Fruit and a Bunch of Asparagus, Louise Moilon (1610-December 21, 1696)
Still Life with a Bowl of Curacao Oranges, Louise Moilon (1610-December 21, 1696)
Still Life with a Sparrow Hawk, Fowl, Porcelain and Shells, Clara Peeters (ca. 1587–after 1636)
Still Life with Bowl of Citrons, Giovanna Garzoni (ca. 1600–1670)
Still Life with Brioche, Fruit, and Vegetables, Anne Vallayer-Coster (1744–1818)
Still Life with Cheeses, Almonds, and Pretzels, Clara Peeters (ca. 1587–after 1636)
Still Life with Cheeses, Artichoke, and Cherries, Clara Peeters (ca. 1587–after 1636)
Still Life with Cherries, Strawberries, and Gooseberries, Louise Moilon (1610-December 21, 1696)
Still Life with Crab, Shrimps, and Lobster, Clara Peeters (ca. 1587–after 1636)
Still Life with Fish, a Candle, Artichokes, Crab and Prawns, Clara Peeters (ca. 1587–after 1636)
Still Life with Fish, Oysters, and Shrimps, Clara Peeters (ca. 1587–after 1636)
Still Life with Flowers, Rachel Ruysch (1664–1750)
Still Life with Flowers on a Mable Tabletop, Rachel Ruysch (1664–1750)
Still Life with Flowers, a Silver-Gilt Goblet, Almonds, Dried Fruit, Sweetmeats, Bread Sticks, Wine, and a Pewter Pitcher, Clara Peeters (ca. 1587–after 1636)
Still Life with Fruit, Louise Moilon (1610-December 21, 1696)
Still life with Tazza, Jug, Saltcellar, Clara Peeters (ca. 1587–after 1636)
Still-Life with a Vase of Flowers, Margherita Caffi (1650–1710)
Study of a Hanekam (Celosia argentea), Alida Withoos (ca. 1661/62–1730)
Study of a Seated Woman Seen from Behind (Marie-Gabrielle Capet), Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (1749–1803)
Study of Capers, Gorse, and a Beetle, Maria Sibylla Merian (1647–1717)
Study of Two Women, Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)
Summer, Mary Moser (1744–1819)
Susanna and the Elders, Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca. 1656)
Swathes of Flowers in Urns on a Ledge, Margherita Caffi (1650–1710)
Talinum patens Wild [..],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Teucrium canadense,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Teucrium massiliense,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Thalictroides / Saraceni,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
The atelier of Madame Vincent,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
The Beloved Child, Marguerite Gérard (1761–1837)
The Carlile Family with Sir Justinian Isham in Richmond Park,
Joan Carlile (ca. 1606–1679)
The Children of Charles I (after Anthony van Dyck), Catherine Read (1723–1778)
The Dream of Happiness, Constance Mayer (1775–1821)
The Ecstasy of Saint Mary Magdalene, Luisa Roldán (1652-1706)
The Education of the Virgin, Luisa Roldán (1652-1706)
The Entombment of Christ, Luisa Roldán (1652-1706)
The Game of Chess, Sofonisba Anguissola (ca. 1532–November 16, 1625)
The Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist, Barbara Sirani (1641-1692)
The Hussar and his Family, Marguerite Gérard (1761–1837)
The Immacolata between Saint Charles Borromeo and Saint Jerome, Orsola Maddalena Caccia, born Theodora Caccia (1596–1676)
The Infant Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness, Elisabetta Sirani (1638–1665)
The Jolly Drinker, Judith Leyster (1609–1660)
The Last Drop, Judith Leyster (1609–1660)
The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, Diana Scultori (1547–1612)
The Old Man of Artimino, Giovanna Garzoni (ca. 1600–1670)
The Pentecost Altarpiece,
Plautilla Nelli (1524-1588)
The Pyramids of Egypt from the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Magdalena van de Passe (1600–1638)
The Repose in Egypt, Luisa Roldán (1652-1706)
The Sacrificial Lamb, Josefa de Óbidos (1629/30 – 1684)
The Serenade, Judith Leyster (1609–1660)
The Sleep of Venus and Cupid, Constance Mayer (1775–1821)
The Vintage,
Élisabeth Sophie Chéron (1648–1711)
The Virgin and Child, Maria Faydherbe (1587–1643)
The Virgin Mary, Elisabetta Sirani (1638–1665)
The Virgin Mary Presents the Baby Jesus to Santa Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi, Violante Beatrice Siries Cerroti (1709-1783)
The Visitation, Diana Scultori (1547–1612)
Thevetia, Linn, Hort […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Thistle with Insects,
Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Thlaspi saxatile […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Tithonia tagetiflora Desf. […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Tithymalus Aegyptius,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Two Boys Blowing Bubbles, Michaelina Wautier (1604–1689)
Two Girls as Saints Agnes and Dorothea, Michaelina Wautier (1604–1689)
Two Sleeping Dogs,
Anne Seymour Damer (1748–1828)
Two Studies of Mother Holding Child,
Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)
Une jeune personne hesitant a toucher du piano devant sa famille, Adèle Romany (1769–1846)
Unknown Man, Susan Penelope Rosse (1652–1700)
Valeriana sibirica L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Vase of Flowers, Anne Vallayer-Coster (1744–1818)
Vase of Flowers with a Yellow Sunflower,
Orsola Maddalena Caccia, born Theodora Caccia (1596–1676)
Vase with Flowers, Rachel Ruysch (1664–1750)
Vase with Flowers, a Peach and a Butterfly, Giovanna Garzoni (ca. 1600–1670)
Vases of Flowers on a Table, Orsola Maddalena Caccia, born Theodora Caccia (1596–1676)
Veltheimia abyssina,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Verbena Americana […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Virgin and Child, Cornelia Cnoop (Born after 1460)
Virgin and Child, Elisabetta Sirani (1638–1665)
Virgin and Child, Elisabetta Sirani (1638–1665)
Virgin and Child,
Maria Faydherbe (1587–1643)
Vitis trifolia uva corymbosax […],
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Volkameria L.,
Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Volute of a Composite Capital, Diana Scultori (1547–1612)
Watermelon with Caterpillar and Moth, Maria Sibylla Merian (1647–1717)
Wax models of the head and neck and of the right hemisphere of the brain, Madeleine-Françoise Basseporte (1701–1780)
Wilhelmine Encke, Countess Lichtenau, Anna Dorthea Therbusch (1721–1782)
Willielma Campbell (1741–1786, née Maxwell), Lady Glenorchy, Catherine Read (1723–1778)
Winter View with Ice Games, Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Wooded Landscape, Maria Katharina Prestel (1747–1794)
Yellow Narcissus, Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706–1783)
Young Boy, in Purple Gray Dress, and Striped Vest, Sitting at a Table and Reading,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Young Woman,
Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818)
Young Woman Embroidering, Marguerite Gérard (1761–1837)
Young Woman in Negligé, Anna Dorthea Therbusch (1721–1782)
Young Woman with a Box, Maria Hadfield Cosway (1760–1838)