Moving Margin #2 (Danica Chappell)


Danica Chappell (Australian, b. 1972)


Moving Margin #2 (Danica Chappell)




Chromogenic photograph


42 x 34 inches

Credit Line:

Courtesy of the artist and Sous les Étoiles Gallery, New York


Featured Exhibitions Gallery, first floor

  • Danica Chappell’s artwork, including Moving Margin #2, gives lasting presence to materials that are often overlooked, discarded, or ignored. Working without a camera gives her the freedom to articulate her message. She is inspired by looking at and observing light.   

  • We recommend listening to the video (3 min.), allowing yourself an opportunity to see what more you can notice as you look longer at this artwork.   

Looking at Light, inspired by Danica Chappell

Find a comfortable place to sit outside, preferably in nature. Sit and watch light, like Danica Chappell. Think of light as an artistic medium, like paint. What do you notice? What ideas does this give you?